Noise protection & sound insulation

Noise abatement and noise remediation

Noise protection plays a major role in our society. Whether in the garden at home or on a building site, high noise levels have an impact on both physical and mental health.

But what is noise protection anyway and what measures can or must be taken to comply with legislation? As experts in noise barriers, we will be happy to provide you with more information.

What is noise protection? A brief definition

Noise protection refers to all measures that serve to combat noise. The necessary guidelines are regulated by immission control. 

The aim is to ensure the well-being of people and animals in the vicinity of noise sources. The focus is therefore particularly on environmental noise, leisure noise and disturbance of the peace.

The difference between noise protection and sound insulation

It is important to make a fundamental distinction between sound insulation and noise protection. Sound is initially only a measurable quantity. Only when a certain level is reached, which can vary depending on individual perception and is usually defined by regulations in the public sector, does sound become noise.

However, the terms sound insulation and noise protection are often used synonymously, especially when it comes to labelling products (noise barrier / noise protection wall).

Absorbent vs. reflective: two forms of noise protection

There are absorbent and reflective noise barriers that absorb the sound or prevent it from reaching the surrounding area unchecked.

Noise barriers that absorb sound on both sides are used, for example, where there are sound sources on both sides of the wall, such as on inner-city motorways or roads that run alongside railway lines.

Why noise protection? The noise protection ordinance


Overall, noise protection serves both the physical and mental health of humans and animals. This is because permanent exposure to noise can cause various illnesses - from stress and trauma to weakening of the cardiovascular system. It is therefore important that noise protection is strictly adhered to.

In Germany, noise protection is regulated by the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) and associated ordinances. These address various sources of noise such as roads, railways, sports facilities, urban development, equipment and machinery etc. and stipulate appropriate protective measures.

Noise protection measures and options

A basic distinction must be made between three forms of noise protection.

  1. Reducing the noise of the source: It is particularly effective if the source itself becomes quieter. This can be achieved, for example, by making cars quieter or reducing the volume of music at events. However, this is often not possible during construction work, for example.

  2. Shielding the noise source: This is the most popular form of noise protection. A screen is fitted around the noise source to shield the surroundings from the sound. In this way, the noise source can be effectively contained.

  3. Passive noise protection: If noise reduction at the source and shielding do not lead to the desired result, passive noise protection remains. In this case, houses on busy roads, for example, are fitted with special windows etc. However, this only works in closed rooms and is therefore of limited help. However, this only works in closed rooms and is therefore only of limited help.

No sound insulation

With sound insulation

Overall, shielding the noise source is probably the most common form of sound insulation. There are various options for this, so that the right solution is available for many applications.

  • Noise protection fences: Noise protection fences are often used in the private sector when it comes to shielding one's own property from both views and noise. These fences are made from a wide variety of materials and can therefore be very versatile in terms of design. The use of WPC profiles or wood is a common variant here.
  • Noise protection walls: A classic wall can also act as a noise barrier. This form of noise protection is also favoured for use in the home garden, as it also offers design options.
  • Noise barriers: Noise barriers are the modern solution in the professional construction sector, for example along highways or railroad lines. The practical systems impress with their good noise protection properties, simple installation with low space requirements and visual design options. Bongard & Lind offers customised noise barriers for different areas of application.Mobile noise protection:
  • Mobile noise protection can be used wherever a noise source is only temporarily present (e.g. at events or construction sites). These systems do not require foundations and can be set up at any length. They can often also be hired, which can be particularly cost-effective. Bongard & Lind offers two mobile noise protection systems, that fulfil the requirements of different application areas.